How to apply for the full transcript : for UiTM students
Assalamualaikum, hi! I hope everyone's doing fine. In this post, I will be sharing on how to make an online application for your full transcript. However, this guide will only be applicable to UiTM students. Step 1: Just Google on “konvo uitm” and you will get the following result. Step 2: Click on the “Perkhidmatan & muat turun”. Step 3: You will be directed to the page as shown below. Choose “Permohonan Transkrip Rasmi dalam talian (online)”. Step 4: The following page will show up. Fill in the boxes marked with asterisks (*). Which is basically all of them haha. Step 5: Then, it will be like this. (lol sorry i ran out of words to describe these) Don't mind the table, it will be empty if this is your first application. Click on “New Application” on the top right of the table. Step 6: Again, fill in the required information needed, the ones with red asterisks. Do take note on the address, you must p...